Safety Security Blind Spot Mirrors

Showing 1-12 of 14
Anti Vandal Convex Wall Mirror
from £530.75 ex VAT
1 variant of this product
Best Seller Internal convex Security Safety Mirror, 450mm diameter
from £32.25 ex VAT
1 variant of this product
Internal convex Safety Mirror, 600mm dia
from £43.25 ex VAT
1 variant of this product
Best Seller Traffic Blind Spot Mirror, 600 x 800mm
from £98.25 ex VAT
1 variant of this product
Best Seller Traffic Blind Spot Mirror, 600mm dia
from £64.25 ex VAT
1 variant of this product
Traffic Blind Spot Mirror, 800mm dia
from £79.25 ex VAT
1 variant of this product
Portable Inspection Mirror  230mm
from £105.22 ex VAT
1 variant of this product
Full Hemispherical  Safety Security mirror 800 diameter
from £102.24 ex VAT
1 variant of this product
Full Hemispherical Safety Security Mirror 600 diameter
from £54.25 ex VAT
1 variant of this product
Best Seller Half Hemispherical Safety Security Mirror 600 x 320
from £39.25 ex VAT
1 variant of this product
Half Hemispherical Safety Security Mirror 800 x 410
from £72.24 ex VAT
1 variant of this product
Best Seller External Traffic convex polycarbonate mirror, 450mm dia
from £32.25 ex VAT
1 variant of this product
Showing 1-12 of 14

Health & Security Mirrors for Your Site

Any location, whether it’s an industrial, commercial, public or residential one, must have safety at its heart. The use of these mirrors UK wide is a key aspect of this, ensuring that traffic is always visible and that accidents are kept to a minimum. Convex mirrors uk have many uses within the business.  Any location where drivers may have difficulty with their visibility, such as blind corners and warehouse exits, should have convex mirrors installed to better improve the safety of that junction. Even going at slow speeds, crashes can be extremely damaging to vehicles and pedestrians. Therefore, taking steps to improve driver visibility is vital for overall site safety.  Internal locations where there are hidden areas, such as where vulnerable employees are carrying cashboxes, would benefit from convex mirrors, uk wide availability via our website.  Improving your safety & security within your workplace is key, especially when it comes to traffic management/visibility, so implementing these mirrors are essential when you have blind spots at your workplace.

Different Types of Convex Mirrors 

Convex mirrors come in various styles that allow them to be used in different locations effectively. For instance, one of the most commonly seen types of convex mirrors in the UK are circular ones that essentially allow drivers to see around corners. This come in different sizes and the size chosen depends on the size of the area that needs to be observed. Equally, there are more rectangular convex mirrors on the market, along with specific health & security mirrors for internal locations. There are even portable convex mirrors available that allow users to view underneath cars and into compact locations. Convex curved mirrors are an essential piece of equipment to prevent nasty collisions in the workplace, but can also be used as convex street mirrors, increasing visibility when entering driveways, etc.

Convex Mirrors are Key Internal Security Aid 

Convex mirrors are not just used externally on sites to keep traffic moving and ensure drivers’ safety. Blind corner mirrors are also used within buildings to ensure that security is maintained. This is useful if, for instance, you operate light machinery along corridors or you frequently move items in wheeled containers. To prevent accidents and collisions, convex mirrors can be situated on blind corridors, enabling employees to check for danger before continuing. They are also useful in any environment where collisions could occur including schools, offices and public buildings. The use of convex mirrors can greatly improve the safety of an area.